I thought it would be good to finally share a little bit of my ever-expanding makeup collection with the rest of the beauty-blogging-sphere'. A few days ago, I was literally jumping with joy when I had my delivery from Muji storage arrive at my house. Until then, I was using random tins and bowls to store all my makeup in but I had always longed for a bit of the famous acrylic-ness that so many others seem to have.
I decided on a couple of items to begin with, the first was a "2 Drawer, Wide" Box and the second was a "DVD Drawer". I had also seen that you can get 3 Drawer systems, however, they wouldn't be back in stock until the start of January. Anyways, I cannot tell you all how happy I am with these boxes, the first thing I have to point out is how sturdy they are! They are rock-solid and don't look like they could break easily at all! Next up is how deep the drawers are, I had heard that the 5 Drawer system wasn't the best as the drawers were too narrow but on the one I have, they are the perfect depth. They can fit any Benefit Blusher box, for example, and any Mac products.
For the DVD Box, I thought it would be good to store my skincare bottles, hairspray cans and general taller items in upright - and this box can hold a lot of them. I also decided to put my mugs which contain brushes, pencils, mascaras etc..into this box and I think it looks really good. (I especially like my Kate and Wills mug I got in a charity shop which now holds my most used brushes!)
Finally, I've kept my nail polishes in a beautiful glass bowl I got from a thrift store for about £1. It keeps them all together and I think it fits in with the look of my other boxes well. I do plan on getting an acrylic nail varnish holder from ebay soon, so watch this space for an update!
Loving your Kate and Wills mug! I was looking at Muji storage for a while but was unsure which drawers to get. Perhaps after Christmas I'll have more money and can finally purchase some! So the deeper drawers are sturdy then? They seem like the best ones to get.
Yeah it would be best to wait till New Year as the new 3 Drawer ones go on sale. I think the 5 Drawer Box is only deep enough for lip glosses/eyeliners etc. I'm very happy with my 2 Drawer - Wide Box though.